Sakrisson Energy Solutions David Sakrisson Observing Problems ... Presenting Rational Solutions

Working for the Benefit of Humanity   ...   Rather than the "Special Interests"

The  Effects  of  Nuclear  Radiation

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson
Independent Researcher and Investigative Reporter

Copyright © 2011-2015  by David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved


In this report will be examined just a few of the negative health effects created by radiation exposure.  It appears that even low doses of radiation can cause problems, under certain circumstances.  Let us now examine articles dealing with the negative health effects of radiation exposure.

The first article linked below declares that the:  "VA has recognized certain cancers and other diseases related to radiation exposure."  The second article declares:  "In July of 2005 the National Academy of Sciences came to the conclusion that the preponderance of scientific evidence shows that even very low doses of radiation pose a risk of cancer or other health problems and there is no threshold below which exposure can be viewed as harmless."  The whole article is extremely informative, truly an eye opener and well worth reading.

The third article  (an Associated Press article from 2005)  also speaks of the cancer risk related to exposure to very low levels radiation.


The article linked below presents the effects of low-level diagnostic radiation on the embryo or fetus within a pregnant woman.  Again, these are the effects of low-level diagnostic radiation and its potential for causing birth defects.  Radiation from nuclear waste and accidents could have a much greater effect on the embryo or fetus in a pregnant woman.

According to the article below, if the radiation exposure is high enough, beyond normal diagnostic practices, it appears that birth defects can occur from the third week to apparently the nineteenth week of pregnancy, in humans.

The article linked below indicates that 2 to 3 percent of pregnancies normally produce babies with birth defects.  It declares:  "About 10 percent of birth defects are caused by environmental factors such as infection, radiation, and drugs.  These environmental factors can cause death, severe birth defects, or might have no effect at all on the developing baby depending on when during pregnancy the exposure occurs."  Please note the mention of severe birth defects, in the preceding sentence.

The article below declares further:  "The developing baby is most vulnerable to injury during the embryo stage when organs are developing.  Indeed, infections, radiation, and drugs cause most of their damage when exposure occurs two to 10 weeks after conception."

The webpage accessed via the button below comes from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  This page declares:  "Fetuses are particularly sensitive to radiation during their early development, between weeks 2 and 18 of pregnancy.  The health consequences can be severe, even at radiation doses too low to make the mother sick.  Such consequences can include stunted growth, deformities, abnormal brain function, or cancer that may develop sometime later in life."

The page declares:  "When a fetus is exposed to large doses of radiation (above the dose received from 500 chest x-rays) during the more sensitive stages of development (especially between weeks 8 and 18 of pregnancy), the health consequences can be severe, especially to the brain."

The page declares further:  "Fetuses in the 8- to 18-week stage of pregnancy exposed to the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were found to have a high rate of brain damage that resulted in lower IQs and even severe mental retardation. They also suffered stunted growth (up to 4% shorter than average people) and an increased risk of other birth defects."


The National Geographic article linked below declares:  "Twenty years after the infamous catastrophe at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, scientists were cheered by the explosion of wildlife that seemed to be thriving in the 19-mile (30-kilometer)  "exclusion zone"  around the disaster site.  Healthy-looking deer, boar, lynx, and eagle owls were among the animals found throughout the zone, despite the blast that had showered radioactive material over huge swaths of Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia."

The article continues:  "But a new study shows that barn swallows living near Chernobyl, which is in Ukraine, suffer from many more birth defects and abnormalities than would ordinarily be expected.  In addition, the swallows are not living as long and are not breeding as successfully as their distant counterparts."

The video linked below presents images of decayed and deformed humans, resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear accident in 1986.  This video may not be suitable for younger viewers.


The article linked below contains information about the Kazakhstan region of the old Soviet Union.  It declares:  "Disfigured faces, horribly deformed legs and monstrous tumors and scars characterize the results of more than 400 nuclear tests carried out by the Soviet Union in a remote expanse of Asia."

Regarding the exhibit at Duke University, it is said:  "Photo after photo of nasty, terrible almost monster-like deformities gives physical evidence of the toxicity that large doses of radiation has on the human body."

The article linked below, concerning the Kazakhstan region, declares:

"A number of genetic defects and illnesses in the region, ranging from cancers to impotency to birth defects and other deformities, have been attributed to nuclear testing.  There is even a museum of mutations at the regional medical institute in Semey, the largest city near the old nuclear testing site.  It consists of a room filled with jars containing monstrosities caused by nuclear testing such as deformed fetuses and human organs, and animal carcasses barely recognizable as potential living beings."

After clicking, scroll down to the beginning of the article.

The webpage linked below also speaks about health issues and birth defects in the Kazakhstan region.  It declares:  "...Many of the grandchildren of those exposed to testing before 1962 are dying at alarming rates, due to what a medical report describes as  'radiation-induced mutation in the chromosomes in the sperm and ova.'"

There is something important to see in the information presented.  It states:  "Scientists are surprised to note that these health problems seemed to have skipped a generation."  It states further:  "Children of the second generation, born of the exposed parents, are thousands of times healthier than their exposed parents.  But for some reason, we don't know why, those born from the second generation, their health conditions are hundreds times worse than the second and even the first generation, those initially exposed."

The page states further:  "Diseases found in the third generation include encephalitis, which causes the infant's cranium to be many times its normal size.  Some children are born with scarcely any bones in their arms and legs, leaving only stocking-like limbs of flesh.  Locals call them  'jelly babies.'  Other common birth defects include cleft palettes,  'rabbit nose,'  and skin problems."  The page notes that  "mental underdevelopment and heart disease are also common,"  plus cancer, schizophrenia and diseases of the nervous system.


The articles linked below present more information about birth defects and other problems relating to the Soviet nuclear tests.  The second article mentions "deformities in surviving livestock."  It also speaks of the radioactive costume jewelry, made from radioactive copper from the Kazakhstan region, which China exports to the West.

The third article below declares:  "The birth defects in the tiny village are common, and incurable."  It continues:  "For some reason, we don't know why, those born from the second generation, their health conditions are hundreds times worse than the second and even the first generation, those initially exposed.
          Diseases found in the third generation include encephalitis, which causes the infant's cranium to be many times its normal size.  Some children are born with scarcely any bones in their arms and legs, leaving only stocking-like limbs of flesh. Locals call them 'jelly babies.' Other common birth defects include cleft palettes, 'rabbit nose,' and skin problems."

The fourth article below includes the interview of a local lady from the region.  She declared:  "It's not just our parents.  People who were children at the time of the explosion are now giving birth to a new generation and there are a lot of deformities."
          The article also states:  "There are many children suffering from encephalitis, with horrifically enlarged heads. One child born in the past year had four legs and four arms and died shortly after delivery."
          The article declares further:  "Birth defects have gone up by four times in the last four years."  The article speaks of deformed fetuses in a museum.  One was a cyclops with one eye in the middle of the forehead.

The fifth article below declares:  "The nature of the deformities that resulted  -  they're just gruesome beyond belief."  The sixth article below declares:  "Thousands of cases of birth defects, cancer, and neurological illnesses have since been reported in the Semipalatinsk region.  Livestock living within range of the site also suffer from deformities and other defects."


There is something important to note again regarding birth defects resulting from the Soviet nuclear testing program.

Certain sources  (one link)  make it appear that the generation born from those initially exposed to severe radiation from the bomb blasts were born normal.  They make it appear that the third and following generations were the ones which have severe deformities.  So, when government agencies state that there is no immediate health problems from radiation exposure, just know that there may likely be serious problems at a later date, especially in our descendents.

A number of other sources of information indicate that the second generation also had its share of serious birth defects.  This does bear further investigation.


The webpages linked below speak of the Anatomical Museum at Semey:  that place where many deformed victims of the nuclear past are kept on display in glass jars.

The page linked below states:  "A small but incredibly intense collection at the Medical University in Semey, Kazakhstan.  It illustrates what devastating effects on health the legacy of radioactive fallout from the nearby Polygon (the infamous Semipalatinsk nuclear test site) had on the region and its population.  It's not for the faint-hearted, it's hard to stomach, but it's highly illuminating.  A very dark site indeed."

The webpage linked below speaks of  "a museum of mutations at the regional medical institute in Semey, the largest city near the old nuclear testing site.  It consists of a room filled with jars containing monstrosities caused by nuclear testing such as deformed fetuses and human organs, and animal carcasses barely recognizable as potential living beings."

Near the bottom of the page linked below is a small picture of a few of the deformed specimens at the  "Semipalatinsk medical museum, in eastern Kazakhstan."  The page states:  "The deformed fetuses in these jars were harvested from Semipalatinsk maternity hospitals.  One, known as the Cyclops, owes its name to the solitary eye located in the center of its forehead."

The links below are to pictures of just a few of the deformed babies pickled in jars at the Semey museum.  These pictures are not meant for viewing by the kids.


Many authorities are working hard to convince people that birth defects and cancer problems in the Semey area are related to a poor diet.  It is time to look at some facts.

In the section further above called  'More Information on Birth Defects,'  there is a linked article called  'Living at Ground Zero.'  Within that article are the statements of an older woman with some serious health problems.  Her son also had health problems.  The lady declared:  "My parents and grandparents never had these problems."

Generations who were born previous to the nuclear bomb testing near Semey did not have the nature and severity of health problems which later generations now commonly experience.  In a way, this should tend to speak for itself.  The high exposure to ionizing radiation has devastated and altered the genetics of these people.  It appears that defective genes were then passed down to later generations.


Those vile ones who have done atrocities to the people of the Kazakhstan region would naturally not take responsibility for their actions.  Instead, they give some lame excuse like is was simply the local diet that caused these problems.  Isn't that the way it is normally done by the so-called  "elite"  of our world?

Looking at this matter further, yes, part of the problem could be local food that is eaten which is now poisoned with radiation.  Instead of properly helping these people as they morally should, the criminals generally give some lame story to shift the blame somewhere else, when in fact, they and their irresponsible acts were the root cause of the problem.

The article linked below states:  "The sick weren't treated, but studied."  It states further:  "To treat them would be to tamper with the experiment."  This experimenting on the general population of the region was simply  "taking the nuclear experiment out of the lab and into the field."


The document linked below mainly speaks of the nuclear testing in Kazakhstan, but it also notes nuclear testing in the United States.

The document (on PDF page 14 of 35) speaks of human radiation experiments in the United States.  It declares:  "The worst experiments were performed on prisoners and pregnant mothers, when these two populations were exposed directly to radiation without their knowledge of potential health impacts."

The document also states:  "Native American groups, such as the Western Shoshone, were exposed to radiation during nuclear tests done at the Nevada Test Site, similar to the villagers in Kazakhstan who lived adjacent to the SNTS."

The document speaks about  "residents of the Marshall Islands who were exposed to radioactive contamination both during and after nuclear tests.  Some of these people were resettled on islands contaminated with radioactive material, even though the U.S. government knew that living there was harmful to their health."

Regarding nuclear testing at Kazakhstan, the webpage linked below states:  "Some 200,000 villagers essentially became human guinea pigs, as scientists explored the potential and dangers of nuclear weapons.  Residents were reportedly ordered to step outside their homes during test blasts so that they could later be examined as part of studies on the effects of radiation."


There is something important to note in the first document linked in the section above, on PDF page 15 of 35, under the heading of  'Nuclear Scientists Defend Their Actions.' Nuclear bomb scientists  "maintain that the nuclear tests were vital for national security interests..."

On page 16, the document states:  "The scientists frame the issue of nuclear testing as a national security issue, rather than a human rights issue.  From their perspective, the primary goal was to design effective and powerful nuclear weapons, not to protect the environment or human health."

Let us look at this whole issue in another light.  The newspaper article linked below declares: "One danger affecting our national security is seldom talked about.  It is the world's overpopulation..."  "The relationship between our homeland security and population have recently been outlined in a report by the National Intelligence Council, which is a branch of our Central Intelligence Agency."


Let us begin to  "connect the dots"  between nuclear testing and the nuclear industry, plus national security and the population.

Could the health issues and early deaths experienced by citizens, as a result of nuclear testing and the nuclear industry, possibly be connected to the agenda of the eugenics movement in our country and the world?

No nuclear bombs have been dropped on another nation since World War Two.  Is there then a remote chance that nuclear programs are used for population control or reduction?  Could it simply be a more modern, subtil form of human sacrifice?


The Wikipedia article linked below declares:  "Radiation sickness is generally associated with a sudden single large exposure."  It declares further that acute radiation poisoning or radiation sickness  "is a constellation of health effects which occur within several months of exposure to high amounts of ionizing radiation.  The term generally refers to acute problems rather than ones that develop after a prolonged period."

The article below declares:  "The onset and type of symptoms that develop depends on the dose of radiation exposure.  Relatively smaller doses result in gastrointestinal effects such as nausea and vomiting and symptoms related to falling blood counts such as infection and bleeding.  Relatively larger doses can result in neurological effects and rapid death."

The article linked below is from the Mayo Clinic.  It declares:  "Although radiation sickness is serious and often fatal, it's rare.  Since the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, during World War II, most cases of radiation sickness have happened after nuclear industrial accidents, such as the 1986 nuclear reactor accident at a power station in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

The webpage, linked below, comes from the University of Maryland Medical Center.  It declares the difference between ionizing and nonionizing radiation.

The page also declares:  "Radiation sickness results when humans (or other animals) are exposed to very large doses of ionizing radiation.  Radiation exposure can occur as a single large exposure (acute), or a series of small exposures spread over time (chronic)."

Radiation poisoning can result from the detonation of a nuclear bomb or from an accident at a commercial nuclear power plant, or even from an accident at a nuclear storage facility.  The effects of radiation poisoning are indeed very serious and very unpleasant.


There are many decent people upon this earth who would never consider intentionally harming someone else, unless it was in self defense.  For them, it is hard to imagine that there are those who would intentionally harm others without their knowledge or consent, as to what was being done to them.

The articles linked below speak of  "medical"  experimentation which has been performed by the medical establishment in the United States.  Yes, experiments, even radiation experiments, have commonly been performed on U.S. citizens.


Linked below are news articles which speak of government sponsored radiation experiments on Americans and others, including children and newborns.  From the information presented, it appears that a large portion of these experiments were performed without the knowledge or consent of the victims.


During research for this webpage, the author came across reports (linked below) which tend to link multiple sclerosis and ionizing radiation.  It should be noted that ionizing radiation is a large part of the harmful emissions from nuclear tests and nuclear facilities.


The information presented in this report is an introduction to the detrimental effects of nuclear radiation on humans and other living things.  It is important to keep this information in mind when considering nuclear energy, in general.

It is especially important to keep this information in mind when considering the potential effects of a nuclear junkyard and dangerous treatment plant at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation, in the state of Washington, USA.

The Hanford facility is located next to the important Columbia River.  It is also located in a seismic zone, along the Olympic-Wallowa Lineament.  This facility may be just another catastrophic nuclear accident waiting to happen.  Could it be a eugenicists dream come true?

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This site is constructed, updated and Copyright © 2006-2015 by David E. Sakrisson.   All Rights Reserved.