Sakrisson Energy Solutions David Sakrisson Observing Problems ... Presenting Rational Solutions

Working for the Benefit of Humanity   ...   Rather than the "Special Interests"

Nuclear  Facilities  and  the  Tritium  Menace
- with information on other safety issues and radioactive discharges -

A documented report by:  David E. Sakrisson
Independent Researcher and Investigative Reporter

Copyright © 2011-2015 by David E. Sakrisson
All Rights Reserved


All radiation is not created equal.  There are different kinds of radiation.  One form, non-ionizing radiation, may be relatively harmless.  Then there is another form, called ionizing radiation, which may alter things within cells and atoms.  Ionizing radiation may be a culprit in many unexplained diseases and a variety of cancers.

Many sources of information declare that the radiation put out by nuclear power plants is very safe.  They declare that we are bombarded by radiation every day from natural sources like the sun, therefore, the radiation from nuclear devices does not really add to the problem.  Now, here is where the problem lies.  This argument by the proponents of nuclear energy is somewhat deceptive, for it does not separate between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.

The first webpage linked below declares the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.  The page accessed via the second link declares:  "The light from the Sun that reaches the earth is largely composed of non-ionizing radiation, with the notable exception of some ultraviolet rays.  However, most ionizing radiation is filtered out by the Earth's atmosphere."

The second linked webpage declares:  "Near ultraviolet, visible light, infrared, microwave, radio waves, and low-frequency RF (longwave) are all examples of non-ionizing radiation."  So, the major portion of the radiation which surrounds us in our environment, and constantly bombards us every day, is of the non-ionizing variety.  Generally speaking, non-ionizing radiation is relatively safe.

On the other hand, ionizing radiation is that type which is emitted by nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities.  Ionizing radiation tends to be much more dangerous than non-ionizing radiation.  Ionizing radiation is a proven human carcinogen.  Ionizing radiation has enough energy to readily strip tightly bound electrons from atoms.  Ionizing radiation has enough energy to actually break chemical bonds within the human body.

Ionizing radiation, such as that type which comes from nuclear power plants, has enough energy to damage the DNA in cells.  Ionizing radiation can produce mutations in the DNA within human cells.  This form of radiation can change the very  "blueprint"  within living cells, creating defects in the  "code,"  which can be passed on to future generations.  This may result in cancer at a later date or even serious birth defects in offspring.  This is one "special gift" of nuclear energy.  Yes, it is the unwanted gift which just keeps on giving.


The articles linked below present just a few of the detrimental health effects which can result from exposure to ionizing radiation.  This includes information about birth defects resulting from this form of radiation.

Because tritium and plutonium produce dangerous ionizing radiation, research indicates that both tritium and plutonium from nuclear power plants can have a negative effect on future generations, especially once it becomes internalized in the human body and creates detrimental  "chromosomal abnormalities."

From Russia


The article linked below declares:  "'Low-Level' Radioactive Waste is one of the most misleading terms ever created.  In the U.S., it is all nuclear waste that is not legally high-level waste, some transuranic waste, or mill tailings."

The articel continues:  "Among the radioactive elements commonly found in nuclear reactor 'low-level' waste are:  Tritium, with a half-life of 12 years and a hazardous life of 120-240 years; Iodine-131, half-life of 8 days, hazardous life of 80-160 days; Strontium-90, half life of 28 years, hazardous life of 280-560 years; Nickel-59, half life of 76,000 years, hazardous life of 760,000-1,520,000 years, and Iodine-129, half-life of sixteen million years, hazardous life of 160-320 million years."

Just because some nuclear product is termed  "low-level"  does not, in any way, mean that it is safe.  This is expecially true, if it becomes internalized.


Radioactivity, even in relatively small amounts, can wreak havoc once it gets inside the human body.  The article linked below declares:  "The risk of getting cancer from tiny amounts of radioactivity inside the body could be 10 times higher than previously thought..."

The button below accesses information on the dangers of repeated low doses of radiation.


Let us now look back to the 2011 Fukushima, Japan, nuclear disaster.  This accident spewed a considerable amount of radiation into the surrounding environment and spread it around the world via the atmosphere.  But, what was commonly being told to U.S. citizens, at that time, regarding the danger of radiation from this nuclear accident?  The information linked below was typical of the time.

The CNN webpage declares:  "Japan's disaster will not pose a health hazard to the United States."  It also declares:  "Radioactive particles travel with the wind and fall out onto the ground.  The amount that will reach the United States will be too little to cause health problems."

Yes, the citizens of the United States were told by the  "experts"  and the govenment that everything was okay.  They were told there would be no health problems resulting from the small amount of radiation coming from Japan.  But, what was the real truth; at least what the public knows so far?  Let us examine at least one problem which is happening to the next generation:  to babies born after the Fukushima disaster.


The article in the first link below declares:  "Researchers have discovered that the Fukushima nuclear disaster has had far-reaching health effects more drastic than previously thought:  young children born on the US West Coast are 28 percent more likely to develop congenital hyperthyroidism...  Fukushima fallout appeared to affect all areas of the US, and was especially large in some, mostly in the western part of the nation."  The remaining links add further details.

Yes, it appears that, once again, the public was manipulated and basically deceived by the powers that be, regarding the true health hazards of the low level radiation surrounding them in their environment.


The article linked below indicates that radiation standards in the United States are not a true safety standard which protects the general public.  It appears that radiation standards are simply made up so someone can say we have some form of a  "safety"  standard.  It appears these  "safety standards"  are not based in true reality, nor do these standards reflect a true care, by the powers that be, for the health and well being of the general public.


It appears that governments readily alter or raise the  "acceptable radiation standards"  at their whims, possibly to keep the public as ignorant as possible.  Possibly this is their cheap attempt to keep control of tha masses and prevent public hysteria or open shows of resentment.

It truly appears that the public is being greatly deceived by the powers that be.  They are not being told the real truth about the true dangers of radiation in their presence.  It appears that the powers that be have no true care for the health of the public.  Examples of these deceptive practices are noted in the webpages linked below.

Regarding the spread of radiation from the Fukushima disaster, the first webpage linked below declares:  "If you have been watching the main stream news media TV or print, you will not know the full story!  The main stream press has gone quiet on the Fukushima nuclear disaster..."

The first webpage accessed below also states:  "Governments seem to quietly raise the so called safe radiation levels when disasters like this occur."  Furthermore,  "If a government can arbitrarily change the so called radiation safety levels for it citizens, or different departments in a government have different safety levels, what is safe?"

It appears the EPA and the Canadian government used another approach to prevent the public from having access, via avenues like the Freedom of Information Act, to the true magnitude of radiation coming to the United States and Canada from the Fukushima disaster in Japan.  The EPA and Canada simply turned off their radiation monitors or had them out of commission.  Yes, how convenient, but possibly with a criminal bent.


Do those in charge of governments or industry really care about the safety of the general public or  "worker bees?"  The webpage linked below does tend to indicate the truth on this matter.  It declares:  "A subcontractor urged workers at Japan's stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant to put lead around radiation detection devices in order to stay under a safety threshold for exposure, according to reports."

The webpages linked below speak of radioactive iodine in rainwater which swept across North America.  Yet the governments of the United States and Canada did not warn their people or tell the honest truth to their citizens.  Things came to the publics attention quite a while after the fact, but the full extent was not told in the mainstream media.

This is almost like a eugenics nightmare!  Possibly it is a eugenics nightmare, or human experimentation on a large scale, as we may soon realize.

The webpage linked below, once again, speaks about radiation detectors being turned off.  That way, the general public had no way of knowing the seriousness of the radiation danger in their environment.  The webpage declares:  "Health Canada even turned off their multimillion dollar radiation detectors immediately following the accident, citing that they where not needed, because there was no present risk."

In the paragraph above, note clearly the words  "no present risk."  The radiation detectors were turned off before the radiation cloud made it over the region.

This act by a government appears to be a blatant act of a criminal nature, with no true care for the public.  It appears that governments can not be relied upon, in any mannner, to provide the public with reliable data.  Yes, the general public is simply  "the expendables."


During the Soviet nuclear bomb tests at their facility in the Kazakhstan region, large amounts of radiation swept across the region.  The high levels of radiation caused many health and genetic problems in the people.

Regarding the nuclear radiation, the article declares:  "...Cancer rates in the surrounding region are twice the world rate. Physical deformities, mental underdevelopment and heart disease are also common."

Rather than helping the people with their maladies, the doctors were given a different role.  A doctor interviewed in the article declared:  "...Our main task was to study."  The article declares further:  "To treat them would be to tamper with the experiment."

There is something in the article which stands out.  It declares:  "There are some who even believe Semipalatinsk was chosen exactly because it was populated  ---  taking the nuclear experiment out of the lab and into the field."

Because the radiation levels and the danger were not honestly provided to the citizens of the United States or Canada following the Fukushima main nuclear event, it appears that the nuclear experiment in North America has been taken  "out of the lab and into the field."  There is a lot more to this story, some of which can be found in other reports on this site.


It has become obvious that governments and the powers that be, possibly for eugenics reasons, will not be honest with the general citizenry regarding the dangers of nuclear radiation in the environment.  If they will not be honest in the midst of the Fukushima disaster, how can we expect them to be honest regarding anything in the nuclear industry which may have an adverse affect on the general population?  With that being said, let us direct our attention to the tritium issue.


Nuclear energy is often touted by its advocates as being extremely safe.  They tend to ignore the reality of harmful radiation spreading, unseen and often undetected, throughout the environment from virtually all nuclear facilities.  Why is this?

Nuclear advocates tend to turn a blind eye toward all the large amounts of radioactive tritium, plus other radioactive emissions, which are steadily spewing into our environment from their so-called  "safe"  nuclear facilities.  Again, why is this?

It appears that nuclear advocates would like the rest of us to become utterly blinded to the reality of dirty, unsafe, deadly, inefficient and costly nuclear energy.  But the writer is not one who is ready to join the  "blind"  crowd.


The articles linked below bring up additional points, which work to question the safety of nuclear power plants.  The first article brings up an extremely important point which should seriously be considered by anyone who has even the slightest care for the human race.  The article declares:

"Even without terrorism, plants release radiation.  Tritium is a radioactive isotope of hydrogen generated in nuclear power reactors and released into the water and air;  it cannot be filtered and has a half-life of 12.3 years, which means it will be dangerous for at least 120 years.
        Every nuclear reactor releases tritium as a part of its routine operation and not just as the result of accidental leaks or spills.  No feasible technology exists that can remove tritium from a reactor’s waste water or from the reactor’s steam releases into the air.
        The National Academy of Sciences says there is no safe radiation dose:  even the smallest amount of tritium can have negative health impacts."

The second article also presents important information about the ongoing, harmful release of radioactive waste into the environment by nuclear power plants.


It appears that the nuclear power industry, along with government officials associated with the nuclear industry, have steadily been deceiving the public about the safety of nuclear energy for many years.  It appears that the nuclear power industry has been silently and secretly poisoning our environment and affecting our genetics for decades, creating potential health hazards and genetic alterations which will last for hundreds or thousands of years to come.

Again, it appears very strongly that the government is in collusion with the nuclear power industry and continues to assure the public that there is no health threat from the radioactivity which is steadily leaking or spewing from these nuclear plants.  Is there another agenda being fulfilled here?  Could it have anything to do with the powerful eugenics movement in the United States, plus that of other advanced countries?  This matter is discussed in another report.


The articles linked in this section speak of nuclear power plants in the United States which are steadily leaking dangerous and carcinogenic, radioactive tritium into the groundwater surrounding the plants.  Worst of all, the experts do not seem to know why this tritium is escaping from these dangerous plants.  To make matters even worse, the government is renewing the operating licenses of these leaking and dangerous nuclear plants.  This appears to be nothing short of a criminal act, with a blatant disregard for the safety and health of citizens.

The article linked below declares:  "Tritium, found in nature in tiny amounts and a product of nuclear fission, has been linked to cancer if ingested, inhaled or absorbed through the skin in large amounts."

Let us now examine just one example of  "honesty"  (or truly, blatant, open deception) in the nuclear industry.  From research on the Internet, many more like examples could readily be presented.  The article linked above declares:  "Officials of the New Orleans-based Entergy Corp., which owns the plant in Vernon in Vermont's southeast corner, have admitted misleading state regulators and lawmakers by saying the plant did not have the kind of underground pipes that could leak tritium into groundwater."

It should be very obvious by the time the reports in this website are read, which regard the nuclear industry, that there is some serious deception going on by those in the nuclear power industry.  Bottom line:  Possibly it is best to never trust the word of anyone in the nuclear industry or government officials associated with it, especially when they are stating that nuclear energy is safe or environmentally-friendly.

Now, for some addition articles on the subject.

The article linked below declares:  "Under current regulations, miles and miles of buried pipes within nuclear reactors have never been inspected and will likely never be inspected."  If this piping has never been inspected, nor even will be inspected, how can we truly know if a particular nuclear reactor is safe?

It appears we are simply playing a very serious and deadly game of  "Russian Roulette"  with our future and that of the whole human race.  One day we will likely pay a huge price for all this foolishness.  But the eugenicists do not care.


The article linked below declares:  "Radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of U.S. commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping, an Associated Press investigation shows.  The number and severity of the leaks has been escalating, even as federal regulators extend the licenses of more and more reactors across the nation."

From the article, it appears that federal regulators have simply been looking the other way, rather than doing their duty to the general public.  Once again, it strongly appears that federal regulators have no true concern for the safety and health of the general public.  Why?

The article continues:  "Tritium, which is a radioactive form of hydrogen, has leaked from at least 48 of 65 sites."  "Leaks from at least 37 of those facilities contained concentrations exceeding the federal drinking water standard  -  sometimes at hundreds of times the limit."  "The leaks sometimes go undiscovered for years."

The article linked above shows that  "regulators and industry have weakened safety standards for decades to keep the nation's commercial nuclear reactors operating within the rules."

What is this?  Rather than adhering to a fixed safety standard, it appears the government is steadily cheapening the standards to allow their buddies in the nuclear industry to continue operating and poisoning our environment.  Again, why is this?  This appears to be the workings of a blatantly criminal mentality.

One other thing should be clearly noted in the article linked above.  U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and EPA officials, plus nuclear plant operators, appear to be in collusion, blatantly working against the health, welfare and longevity of the general public.  This should become more evident later in this discussion.

Furthermore, officials appear to be working together to downplay the seriousness of the situation by claiming that emissions of radioactive materials into the environment are within  "safe"  levels.  This appears to be standard procedure for government and nuclear industry officials.  Furthermore, their  "safe"  levels are not necessarily safe for the general populace, especially in the long term.  What are they trying to accomplish with these practices?


The article linked above declares that radioactive leaks at nuclear facilities are prolific and becoming more common.  It also states:  "Tritium moves through soil quickly, and when it is detected it often indicates the presence of more powerful radioactive isotopes that are often spilled at the same time."  The article goes on to speak about leakages of other radioactive materials, such as cesium-137 and strontium-90.  There appears to also be a number of other harmful materials leaking from these dangerous nuclear facilities.

The article linked above declares:  "Tritium is relatively short-lived and penetrates the body weakly through the air compared to other radioactive contaminants."  This statement can be somewhat misleading and work to  "lull the public to sleep"  with a false sense of security, as shall become obvious by the information presented later in this discussion.

With a half-life of approximately 12.3 years, tritium which gets internalized within a human has more than enough time to do some serious damage to that body and its DNA.  Once again, it appears that the mainstream media may be working on behalf of the powers that be (possibly in ignorance or possibly not), rather than working in the best interests of the general public.

To the credit of the mainstream media, the article above states that  "breaches have become more frequent and widespread" in the piping of nuclear power plants.  It states that:  "Nearly two-thirds of the leaks were reported over the latest five years."  Yes, the leaks have been reported over the last five years, but there have been ongoing leaks for decades.  During these decades, our environment has steadily been poisoned by the nuclear power industry and those associated with them.

To make matters worse for some citizens, the problem of leaking nuclear facilities appears to be creating even further problems.  It appears to be, in certain cases, hurting the property values of nearby residents.  Because of leaking facilities, it appears that some people cannot even sell their property.


There is another issue to address.  The article linked above, called 'AP IMPACT:  Tritium leaks found at many nuke sites', states:  "Subsurface water not only rusts underground pipes, it attacks other buried components, including electrical cables that carry signals to control operations.  They too have been failing at high rates."  This brings up a very serious safety issue regarding nuclear power plants.

If control cables fail, a nuclear reactor could easily get out of control.  In such a case, the backup emergency features may not function properly or at all.  This could readily lead to a full scale meltdown, with harmful and deadly radiation spreading far and wide across the countryside.  Nevertheless, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is renewing the operating licenses of these dangerous  "accidents-waiting-to-happen."

Renewing the operating licenses of potentially dangerous nuclear plants truly appears to be a major case of utter negligence, and an act of a seriously criminal nuture.  Once again, we must ask:  "Whose agenda is being fulfilled here?"


The article linked above declares:  "Representatives of Exelon acknowledged that '100 percent verification of piping integrity is not practical.'"  So, it appears that a major nuclear accident which devastates the population and causes serious problems for generations to come is more practical, in the minds of these nuclear officials.

Yes,  "just run it until it breaks, then hope for the best."  This appears to be a negligent and derelict mentality.  Why are these dangerous and polluting nuclear plants even allowed to operate?  Are govenment officials bought off totally, or what?  Or is another agenda accomplished in the process?  Powerful eugenicists in government positions are discussed in another report on this site.

It appears that govenment and industry officials are not working at all in the best interests of the general public.  It appears they are covering up the truth as long as they can.  In one case, a major leak of tritium-laden water at the Braidwood facility, which began in the 1990s, was not reported to the public until 2005.  Yes, a government and nuclear industry which you can really trust with your life.

With the above thoughts in mind, let us now return to the issue of radioactive tritium in the environment, and also within humans.  Once again, it should be noted that government and nuclear officials commonly downplay the seriousness of tritium in the environment and within humans.  They are simply dismissing the health and safety issues:  refusing to deal with them in a respectable manner.  Again, Why is this?  What is their agenda?


Radioactive tritium, which steadily leaks or gushes from nuclear facilities, presents us with some very serious problems.  The abstract linked below declares:  "In the gas form, tritium can diffuse through almost any container, including those made of steel, aluminum, and plastics.  In the oxide form, tritium can generally not be detected by commonly used survey instruments.  In the environment, tritium can be taken up by all hydrogen-containing molecules, distributing widely on a global scale."

The abstract below states further:  "Tritium can be incorporated into humans through respiration, ingestion, and diffusion through skin.  Its harmful effects are observed only when it is incorporated into the body."  By that time, it is already too late.  The damage has already been done.

Among the sources of radioactive tritium are the  "continuous release of tritium from nuclear power plants and tritium production facilities under normal operation."  Please note again that there is a continuous release of tritium from nuclear facilities, under normal operation.  Yes, during normal operation they are spewing out harmful and potentially deadly tritium.


The abstract linked below declares:  "Tritium released into the environment may be incorporated into organic matter.  Organically bound tritium in that case will show retention times in organisms that are considerably longer than those of tritiated water which has significant consequences on dose estimates."

The abstract also declares:  "Organically bound tritium enters the human body on several pathways, either from the primary producers (vegetable food) or at higher trophic level (animal food).  Animal experiments have shown that the dose due to ingestion of organically bound tritium can be up to twice as high as a comparable intake of tritiated water in gaseous or liquid form."


The abstract linked below declares:  "It was demonstrated that at higher dose range the yields of chromatid breaks increased linearly with dose, while those at lower dose range were significantly higher than would be expected by a downward extrapolation from the linear relation.  Partial-hit or partial-target kinetic events appeared at very low dose exposure."

From what is stated in the abstract, it appears that even low doses of tritium can cause problems within humans, even causing changes in the chromosomes.  Could internalized tritium negatively affect offspring and future generations?


The articles linked in this section show that, since the 1950s, vast amounts of radioactive tritium has steadily been discharged into the environment from both commercial and military nuclear power plants around the world.

Tritium formerly was classed as being much more dangerous.  But, in 1969, the danger level of tritium was reduced because of pressure from the U.S. military.  The article linked below declares:  "There have been calls for it to be increased ever since."

It appears that tritium binds to DNA and may cause negative hereditary effects.  The article linked below declares:  "Routine releases and accidental spills of tritium from nuclear power plants pose a growing health and safety concern.  Exposure to tritium has been clinically proven to cause cancer, genetic mutations and birth defects in laboratory animals."

The second webpage linked below declares:  "Tritium is also created in every nuclear power plant in great quantities.  Since no economically feasible technology exists to filter out tritium from the plant’s releases of waste liquids and gases, the federal government does not require that it be filtered."

Look once again at that term,  "economically feasible."  Yes, it appears that citizens are readily expendible by those of the eugenics movement and those who have made money to be their god.

The articles below present more information on health problems created by the large amounts of tritium which steadily spew into the surrounding environment by every nuclear facility.


Now, for some special information about tritium which is directed toward the guys:  information about that tritium which is steadily leaking or virtually gushing into the environment from nuclear facilities.  You truly may want to consider the implications of the information in the following links.

The first abstract linked below indicates the potential for a loss of testis mass of up to 30% after only 4 to 5 weeks of tritium exposure.  This is something to consider:  especially if your body constantly has an intake of tritium from air, water or food.

The second abstract speaks of biological damage and cell death within the testes.  It appears that tritium may not be the best thing for males, nor for anyone, for that matter.  It is especially not good for future generations.


Once again, it appears that many have been greatly deceived by the powers that be, regarding things like carbon dioxide. &nbp;They declare as being a greenhouse gas, making it look like it is something bad which we do not want.  Let us now look at a few facts.

Air has a specific gravity of 1.000.  Nitrogen, of which air is mainly composed, has a specific gravity of 0.9723.  It is one of the lighter weight components in air.  Carbon dioxide has a specific gravity of 1.5189.  It is much heavier than air or nitrogen.  Therefore, carbon dioxide tends to sink to the ground.  It tends to hug the ground, and this is a good thing.

Carbon dioxide is actually a very good plant food.  Plants and trees, and virtually all vegetation, need carbon dioxide as a base material from which to produce oxygen.  Without a good supply of carbon dioxide, the vegetation cannot produce a good supply of oxygen for humans and animals to breath.  Therefore, carbon dioxide is actually a good and necessary thing to have in the environment:  especially if we desire to survive on this planet.

Why is the government making carbon dioxide out to be something horrible, while on the other hand it turns a  "blind eye"  to things which are extremely dangerous to human and public health?  Why are they ignoring all the harmful tritium and other radionuclides which steadily spew out of nuclear facilities?

Now to put things in perspective.  Nuclear power plants highly pollute our environment.  They steadily spew out dangerous amounts of tritium and other radioactive pollutants into the environment.  Tritium is not good for anyone.  It produces ionizing radiation which can alter things in the human body.  Once internalized, it can cause cancer and an array of other diseases.  It may cause birth defects and massive problems for future generations.

The governments appears to play a charade of protecting the public from environmental hazards.  But, are they truly working in the best interests of the general public?  When things are put into their proper perspective, why would anyone want dangerous nuclear power plants?  As a further bit of information, those things which have been presented in this report are only the beginning of the story about the negative and dark side of nuclear energy.


The article linked below asks the following question:  "Are the byproducts of building nuclear weapons and generating atomic electric power getting out-of-control on purpose?"

The article declares that the  "DOE is enabling manmade radioactivity to get out into the open marketplace, landfills, commercial recycling and into everyday consumer products, construction supplies and equipment, roads, piping, buildings, vehicles, playgrounds, basements, furniture, toys, zippers, personal items, without warning, notification or consent."

There is much food for thought in the above article.  A person could begin to wonder if there is a form of silent nuclear war being perpetrated upon U.S. citizens, via the U.S. Department of Energy and the leaking nuclear reactors which it allows to operate.  Yes, the eugenicists must be very pleased with them.


As this report comes to an end, let us not forget about the powerful eugenics movement which has a number of members in U.S. government positions.  The ultimate agenda of this powerful and subtil group of people may not be that much different from that of Adolf Hitler, during the World War Two era.  This group will be noted in more detail in another report on this site.

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