When this site first started in 2006, its purpose was to introduce a technology for obtaining much higher fuel economy and performance from our many internal combustion engines, while producing far less emissions. But over time, the purpose of this site has expanded.
There are now many subjects covered in this site. The added subject matter is accessed via buttons scattered throughout this site. A small selection of this added content is given below.
This site is a call for people to awaken to our collective vulnerability, because of the way we have done things for so many years. This site also presents solutions for reducing our collective and individual vulnerabilities.
The rest is up to you. What are you going to do with this information?
Natural Disasters
In recent times, we have witnessed many natural disasters. There have been devastating earthquakes and destructive tsunamis. There has been serious drought, and also major flooding. There have been deadly tornadoes and other types of high energy storms.
In all of this, we realize the vulnerability of humanity. Our modern way of doing things, our way of civilization, can be brought to its knees in a moment. But, does it have to be this way? Can we do things differently and become less vulnerable to the forces of nature, and even to things like destructive terrorism?
Regional Earthquakes
It is time to consider large-scale, regional earthquakes in recorded history. Midway down the webpage, linked here, speaks of devastating earthquakes from the past in southern Italy. A few excerpts follow.
"...Several shocks of earthquakes were felt...which lasted near twelve hours; but on the two following days the shocks were more violent..."
"...320 villages and hamlets were entirely destroyed. The towns of Palma and Seminaria are no more ... Geracia is destroyed ... Sylla is also swallowed up..."
"The place where Pizzo stood is no longer to be found." "Of Reggio...scarce a vestige remains to remind mankind of its ancient splendour"
New Madrid
What follows is an example from the United States. Let us consider that quake which was centered around New Madrid, Missouri in 1811-1812.
What follows are excerpts about the quake, from this link.
"...the Mississippi actually ran backwards for several hours ... land upheaval ... devastated thousands of acres of virgin forest ... crevices opening up during an earthquake..."
"...Missing people ... most likely swallowed up by the earth. Some earthquake fissures were as long as five miles."
"Sand boils ... seismic tar balls ... earthquake lights ... earthquake smog ... skies turned dark during the earthquake ... hard to breath..."
These are just some examples of what humanity can face during a major, regional earthquake. But things can be much worse.
Cascadia Mega-Quake
With the above introduction to powerful, regional earthquakes, let us turn our attention toward the next, massive Cascadia earthquake which is expected by the scientists.
This powerful and destructive earthquake is destined to hit the West Coast region of the United States and Canada in the near future.
An indepth and documented report regarding the next devastating Cascadia megaquake is accessed via the button below.
The author has one question for those living in the Cascadia region. Are you properly prepared for such a devastating event?
And now, let us consider other serious problems facing humanity.
Hanford Nuclear
Hanford Nuclear Reservation presents some very serious problems for people of the Pacific Northwest, plus virtually the whole nation and Canada.
Information about these problems is accessed via the button below.
A Silent War
To understand some of the root causes for problems amongst the nations of our earth, plus information which introduces that which appears to be the underlying agenda of the international eugenics movement and a number of other organizations, simply click on the button below.
The completion of the prototype project noted in this site will require a large amount of time and, yes, a reasonable amount of money.
Below are shown some of the special parts and systems which have been produced so far, during this project.
Piggyback Fuel Mixer
Venturi Cartridge
Prototype Systems
Clean Air Manifold
Machined Actuators
Machined Mixer Body
Variable Needle Valve
Needle Valve Unit
O-ringed Elbow
Part Being Milled
High-Speed Mini Mixer
Electronic Controls
Large Mixer Unit
Mini Lathe Setup
Water Injection Nozzle
Vaporizer Section
Any energy product or technology, once fully developed, should be able to stand on its own merits.
Once fully developed, a product or technology should be able to support itself on its sales alone. If not, it should be allowed to "die with dignity."
Nuclear and wind energy are two industries which receive large subsidies via the government tax system. These industries are a great drain on our economy. Both of these industries are harming our nation and our people. It is time to consider better ways of doing things.
The multi-fuel, combined cycle technology shown in this site will not require any government subsidies, once it is developed and put into use. It should be able to pay for itself on its sales alone. It should also be able to help save money and reduce operating costs for citizens, industries and user nations, while being environmentally-friendly.
Sakrisson Energy Solutions
Providing Information for the Benefit of Humanity... Rather than bowing to the enslaving "Special Interests"
The Individual Pocketbooks of Citizens are being Harmed, as is Our National Economy and Our Environment
There WAS something clearly proven about a better way to fuel engines in the earlier 1900s.
There was a system which was much better than things along the line of those wood gasifiers.
There was a system which was something like a gasoline cracking unit and gasifier.
This earlier system was shown to provide extremely high fuel economy, with good performance.
This earlier system proved a point, and would allow an engine to operate without the pollution.
Now, things can be made even better, even without using expensive computerization.
"Yes, there are Much Better Ways to provide for All of our Energy Needs"
We can start by Increasing Overall Efficiency in the various energy systems, devices
and vehicles which help power our economies and, truly, civilization itself, by designing
them in such a manner as to cause them to use their available energy much more efficiently.
But, there is more to this important story.
Energy reserves and supplies within the United States and its territories should
be used in such a manner as to help all citizens to progress and cause no harm
to the national economy, nor should it be allowed to be manipulated in such
a manner which causes hardship for individuals or the citizens at large.
With these thoughts in mind, let us examine some history relating to known energy reserves.
At This Point...
"It is time to now consider some very important information."
It is time to stop living in ignorance or denial. It is time to say things as they truly are.
It is time to face the real facts about what we have been dealing with for quite some time.
Important Energy History -- Part 1
Looking Back at the Earlier 1970s
A Wikipedia page, linked here, speaks of the 1973 oil crisis, which began in October of 1973 and finally ended in March of 1974. During this time, there was also the 1973-1974 stock market crash, which had "a persistent effect on the U.S. economy."
For roughly five months in 1973-74, there were lines of vehicles (1)(2)(3)(4) waiting from early in the morning, before the opening of fuel stations, until the station closed either at its normal hour or because it sold its quota or ran out of fuel earlier in the day. During this five month period of the so-called "oil crisis," retail gas prices raised considerably, plus there was gas rationing. This scenario placed hardship on most U.S. citizens. There was also a lot of fuel theft which occurred against private citizens and businesses. In all of this, there is something important to note.
Prior to the oil crisis, according to the page linked here, "domestic oil production was declining, leading to an increasing dependence on oil imported from abroad." Then, when the oil crisis hit, the government put in place price controls, which only made the situation worse for the citizens at large. These price controls also worked to "discourage development of alternative energies." Because of all this and what the government was doing, the citizens where placed in quite a perdicament, with hardship.
Some Questions
So, what was really going on here? Looking at the way things really operate in our world and the way the whole "oil crisis" scenario unfolded, one could ask, "Was this whole scenario pre-planned?" By whom? What were the "controllers" of the government really doing to the citizens of the United States and for what reason, and for whom? Furthermore, there are some who question if this whole scenario could be related to those words which President John F. Kennedy spoke before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. And what were his alleged words?
The following words are attributed to President John F. Kennedy: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot." And soon, he was assassinated. Did he know too much? Was he making a certain group of individuals uncomfortable? What has really been going on here in the United States? And, what was the "oil crisis" of 1973-1974 really all about?
Well, come along "for the ride," as the facts are considered, and you may begin to realize things about what has happened and is happening in the United States --- things which may not put a smile on your face.
Important Energy History -- Part 2
Again in 1979
Well, it happened again to the citizens of the United States in 1979. Yes, there was another "oil crisis," with accompanying shortages. It appears that between the two petroleum crises, the nation had not really learned much, for the citizens were once again taken by surprise by the international controllers and manipulators, as the citizens were once again jerked around like YoYo's. And, once again, the retail fuel prices were on the rise.
In all of this, it appears there was some major manipulation going on. Supplies were intentionally withheld from the market to create an artificial shortage. A page linked here declares: "The price increases are understandable in view of the reduced availability of refined products. But the extent of the inventory buildup, which reduced the supply of those products to the market, raises questions about the role of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) in those shortages." The page states further: "DOE's gasoline price and allocation regulations made it profitable to withhold supplies from the market." So, what were the people of the U.S. Department of Energy intentionally doing to U.S. citizens across the nation? One could further ask: "Who are the people of the DOE really working for?"
The linked page also declares: "At the peak of the [1979] crisis the gasoline lines were as long as or longer than those in 1974." The page goes on to state: "Many have asked whether the higher prices and the shortages were necessary..." In answer to the questions raised, let us begin to consider a few facts about just some of the U.S. petroleum reserves which were known prior to and during the time of the two oil crises in the 1970s. Then ask yourself: "What were 'they' doing to us, and why?" In answer, there are some who believe that we should once again look at the words of President John F. Kennedy, which are noted in the section above.
Now, let us add a few more important facts to this whole picture.
Important Energy History -- Part 3
A Key Question
It is time for an important question. Were there known petroleum resources and reserves in the United States which had already been investigated and worked with prior to and at the time of these two "oil crises" in the 1970s? Could these petroleum resources have readily been tapped to reduce or eliminate the negative effects of the oil embargo on U.S. citizens? Yes, there are many questions which should really be asked. For starters, "What was going on here and who was really behind it?" And now, let us move onward to some really important U.S. energy history.
Shale Oil
Shale oil seems to be a really big thing at this point in time. But, is it something relatively new, or is there more to this story? It is time to now become informed. In the September 1922 issue of Popular Science, which is linked here, scroll down to page 56 to view an informative article. This article from 1922 is titled 'Rocks to Give Oil when Wells Run Dry.' There is something important to note in this 1922 article. The story was "floated," even way back then, that the nation was running out of oil. And yet, since that time, more and more oil has been found. Now, back to the article.
Yes, once again, the scare story was "floated" way back in 1922 that the nation was running out of oil. And the article continues: "But hope for an adequate supply for many years to come lies in recovery of the rich deposits of oil that remain underground, and in immense, untouched beds of oil shale." Again, all this was known by the petroleum companies and the U.S. Government, way back in 1922. Then the article goes on to speak about those "Enormous Deposits" of shale oil.
The article notes that "after the large underground deposits [of petroleum] shall have been exhausted, there will still remain these enormous deposits of oil shale to draw upon, capable of yielding from 20 to 90 barrels of petroleum a ton [or that many barrels of petroleum in less than one cubic yard of the shale deposit], [which is] equivalent to from 2 to 9 barrels of gasoline."
As a note, the standard "barrel" used in the oil industry holds 42 gallons. So, that "less-than-a-cubic-yard" of oil shale deposit can produce from 84 to 378 gallons of gasoline. And now, looking again at the 1922 article, it should further be noted that crude oil (for the making of gasoline and other petroleum-based products) was already being extracted from the oil shale --- and again, this was happening as far back as 1922 --- long before the two manufactured "oil crises" of the 1970s.
Enormous U.S. Oil Supply
Now, grab your seats, folks, and hang on for this one! The 1922 Popular Science article accessible via the link in the section above goes on to declare: "Oil shale deposits, which seem to offer future guarantee against an acute shortage, are so enormous in the United States that they insure an adequate supply for the needs of this country for several hundred years."
There are now some questions which definitely need to be asked. For starters, "What is this in the 1922 article about the oil shale deposits which offer a guarantee against an acute shortage of petroleum?" And again, "What is this about two separate 'oil crises' in the 1970s when there were supposedly caused by extreme shortages of petroleum and fuels?" Was this major manipulation of the populace or what? For what reason was this done and for whom?
It appears that, in the 1970s, because of ignorance or because of inattentiveness, the general public was being horribly lied to, deceive and "played" for suckers --- and then they were economically raped and put further into bondage. Yes, it appears that President John F. Kennedy knew what he was talking about back in 1963 when he had allegedly proclaimed, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..." No wonder "they" decided that "they" needed to get rid of Kennedy, and eventually his brother, also! But, it should be noted that this plot is more than just about oil.
Extensive research indicates that the manipulation and enslavement of the American people via the oil industry is just one of the "tentacles" of the vast plot used by the foreign-based "beast" which has worked steadily over the decades to hijack the government of the United States and use it as a weapon to ensnare the people of this country under its power. This "beast" is that which research indicates is behind the "invisible government" spoken about by the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt. He declared that this "invisible government...sits enthroned...behind the ostensible government" --- that ostensible government being the one which the people of the United States commonly see. Enough said. And now, back to oil shale.
Mined Using Steam
Click on the link here to access the June 1923 issue of Popular Science magazine. Then, in that magazine file, scroll down to page 49. There you will find an article titled 'Oil from Shale Mined by Steam." In this article, we find that in just eight months --- since the writing of the 1922 article noted above --- things had progressed rapidly in the technology for mining and recovery of oil from shale.
At the time of the 1923 article in Popular Science magazine, plans were already being made to use "fracking" on the oil shale deposits. Then the vital oil would be extracted from the depths of the earth using steam. Again, this was way back in 1923 --- long before the two so-called "oil crises" which occurred in the 1970s.
Again, what was really going on in the 1970s and who was actually behind all this and instigating the two "oil crises," and for what reason? It is becoming rather obvious that someone or some organization was using the government as a tool against the people of the United States. Yes, it appears that President John F. Kennedy knew exactly what he was talking about, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963.
Important Energy History -- Part 4
Other Processes
Further down on this page, in the section titled 'Things Which Were Done in the 1900s,' are found links to a number of articles about making gasoline from things like water-gas, lignite coal (which is a very low grade of coal) and other grades of coal, and even things like sawdust. But, there is much more to this story of producing usable fuels. These usable fuels can even be produced from quite a number of waste products.
The button below accesses the April 1924 issue of Popular Science magazine. Scroll down to page 53 to read an informative article about fuels which can be made from straw or farm stubble. The page declares: "The United States Bureau of Chemistry has discovered a practicable method by which a ton of sun-dried wheat straw is said to yield 10,000 cubic feet of illuminating gas, 10 gallons of tar, and 625 pounds of carbon residue, which is an excellent fuel." But, there is more.
The article also indicates that the fuel from the straw "can be used efficiently to operate a stationary internal combustion engine." This means that home-based or commercial-based electrical generating plants could be operated using straw-gas as their fuel. The article states further: "According to the bureau, straw gas holds possibilities as automobile fuel." And yes, there is even more to this story of making valuable fuels out of waste products, using the proper methods.
The button below accesses the December 1935 issue of Popular Science magazine. Scroll down to page 21 to the information titled 'Home Plant Makes Gas From Wood Or Rubbish.' The page states: "Home Owners in rural districts may manufacture their own gas for cooking, heating, and refrigeration, with the aid of a household gas-generating plant recently placed on the market."
The page speaks about using "wood or waste material, such as corncobs, straw, or paper" as the base from which to make the necessary fuels. According to the makers of the household gas-generating plant, "a single cord of wood produces enough gas to last the average family from two and a half to three months." But, there is more to consider in this matter. With the use of modern technology, this could all be done in an economically-friendly and environmentally-friendly manner.
The button below accesses the January 1926 issue of Popular Science magazine. Scroll down to page 47, to the information titled 'Can We Use Vegetable Fuel?' This information notes that "sawdust, apples, weeds --- every bit of vegetable matter that can be fermented contains potential fuel." Think about that for a moment! No more needing yard debris to be picked up and hauled away every so often. No more need to dispose of excess or waste produce from the grocers. It can all be made into usable fuel.
The information linked below states further: "An acre of potatoes in one year will produce enough alcohol to drive the machinery necessary to cultivate the field for a hundred years." This declaration came from the famous Henry Ford --- the one who founded the Ford Motor Company which made cars, trucks and farm tractors. But again, there is more to this story.
Valuable food does not have to be used to make fuel. The manipulators put that scare into the people so they can artificially create shortages and jack the food prices up. Yes, the people are being deceived and taken advantage of by the manipulators who are hijacking and taking control of our world and our lives! Once again, it appears that President John F. Kennedy was correct in 1963, when he allegedly declared: "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..." The truth is, only waste materials are needed for the creation of valuable, low cost fuels.
Important Energy History -- Part 5
The Way It Is
It appears that, for the most part, the United States has become one of the most wasteful countries on earth. Not only are people wasting their money on many frivilous things, but also much raw fuel in being wasted and virtually thrown away. And, there is even more to think about. The catalytic converters on our automotive-type engines are burning up that wasted fuel coming out of the engine cylinder, and then we do a tailpipe emissions test and are deceived into believing that our engines are not wasting fuel. And we think we are so smart and advanced in this country.
There is one thing which people in the United States really need to get through their heads and into their brains. Waste does not equate to intelligence. You can put all the "band-aid" systems (like catalytic converters, etc.) that you want on things like automotive-type engines, to cover up or hide the waste that is actually occurring in the system. But, the truth is, wasting valuable things is not smart at all. With that said, let us move on to begin considering another smart idea.
The Use of Even More Waste
One big waste in the United States is the products which go down the sewer. The truth is, there is valuable raw fuel in all that sewage. Certain other countries commonly do make use of these types of products, but why cannot it commonly be done in the United States? Why cannot every home have its own fuel generator, along with its own electrical generator powered by the fuel produced? Well, it appears we have a problem here which needs to be overcome.
Now, let us move onward to investigate various systems which can make cost-effective use of important factors which reside in all of this waste. The buttons below access information about turning human and animal waste, plus even food waste, into renewable fuel to help power homes and even industry. The information presented is just an introduction to this subject. Check out the linked information and start to become informed.
The Bottom Line
So, with all these known methods noted on this page for making gasoline and other important fuels for common use --- even using methods known as far back as the early 1900s --- why was it even possible in the United States to have supposedly "foreign-caused" fuel shortages in the 1970s, which were spaced about five years apart? Why were U.S. citizens and industry made to become dependent on foreign oil prior to these manufactured oil crises? Something is obviously wrong here! Did these shortages occur because of major deception and manipulation which was centered right here in the United States?
By whom was all this deception and manipulation perpetrated? Who was the actual instigator or instigating organization behind it all? What were they trying to do to our nation, our people and our economy? Once again, it appears that President John F. Kennedy was absolutely correct in what he allegedly declared, before he was brutally assassinated in November of 1963. Yes, it is becoming rather obvious, "There's a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child..." But, once again, it is more than just about oil and energy. Now onto other matters.
Part of the function of the out-of-control environmental movement is to be used in the foreign-based plot to enslave every man, woman and child in the United States. Let us now get something very straight. There is reasonable environmentalism, and then there is the radical, outrageous, destructive and enslaving form of so-called "environmentalism."
This website will present thoughts coming from the reasonable type of environmentalism --- the cost-effective (for the average citizen) and freedom-providing (again, for the average citizen) form of environmentalism. That is an important part of what the United States is really supposed to be about. With this said, let us now move along to what we are currently dealing with in the United States, plus other places around the world.
Our Current Predicament
Our engines and other energy systems were originally meant to free us --- yes, they were meant to make things easier for us so we could more easily progress in life and readily increase in wealth, if that is what we desired. But now our engines and other energy systems are being used to economically and environmentally enslave us.
Only by becoming properly educated to what is actually going on and what is now needed, so that proper systems and laws can be implemented, can we ever hope to release the economic and environmental "noose" which is being "placed around our necks" and thereby prevent our sure and total enslavement.
Click on the buttons below to view information about the extreme inefficiencies of just our current automotive-type engine systems. Then, let us continue onward to consider their true potentials for improved performance, economy and efficiency, using the proper methods. Indeed, we have barely "scratched the surface" of potential for the internal combustion engine.
The internal combustion engine can readily become the performance, economic and environmental superstar it was meant to be. The only thing standing in the way is "government" regulations put in place to protect the interests and world domination by the international elitists. In other words, the "government" is being used as a tool to enslave U.S. citizens. It is time for some real change in the United States. It is also time for change which can help to drastically reduce the inefficiencies of our automotive-type engines.
Now, let us begin to consider things which were done in the past. Let us consider things that, with the use of modern technology, could be improved into things which are very beneficial to the U.S. and world population at large.
Things Which Were Done in the 1900s
Now, click on the buttons below for an introduction to things which inventive individuals were doing in the last century, as they worked
to make engines more fuel-efficient, plus worked to relieve the stress and bottle-neck of our national fuel-supply infrastructure.
[The links below present information from JUST some of the earlier Popular Science magazines. Search other publications of the era for additional information.]
NOTE: Once a button is pressed, scroll down to the page noted on the button, in the new window which opens.
What the Internationalist Controllers Have Been Doing
Unfortunately, the controlling and enslaving powers have steadily worked to hamper the widespread or full implementation of many beneficial, higher-efficiency inventions which were created in the 1900s. In some cases, it appears that certain "government" agencies have been created to serve the interests of the international hijackers and controllers, rather than the legitimate interests of U.S. citizens at large. But, there is much more to consider in all these detrimental things which are being done to the general public.
For starters, there is something important to note about those catalytic converters which the controlling internationalists have forced upon us, using the government as their weapon and enforcing tool to enslave the masses. That fuel which is steadily burnt in today's catalytic converters is actually wasted fuel. Furthermore, the tail-pipe testing for emissions does not tell the true story about the cleanliness of the combustion process which is going on in the engine. The true story, and the inefficiencies involved, will be told throughout this site.
A Fundamental Truth
"Inefficiency by the masses just works to make the elite controllers much richer...plus gives them more control."
Our True Energy Potential
From the Engineers
It is time to examine our true energy potential. At this point, one important question must be asked. How much energy is there in each gallon of gasoline? Yes, the true answer may utterly shock you.
In the 1940's, engineers working in the petroleum industry declared that there is enough energy in each gallon of gasoline to propel a relatively lightweight vehicle (lightweight, by 1940's standards) a distance of (as noted on page 53 of the following link) 480 miles along a level road. They declared that their challenge was to find ways to unlock all this energy from the complex molecules in gasoline.
Now, for a closer look at the economy and performance which can and has been obtained from gasoline engines.
Charles Pogue
In the 1930's, it is reported that Charles Pogue was obtaining around 209 miles per gallon of gasoline (link 1)(link 2) in a standard two-ton sedan, with a V8 engine. What's more, it appears his special fuel system readily allowed for all this fuel mileage, with good performance. What was Pogue actually doing to the gasoline in his fuel system in order to obtain this phenomenal fuel mileage, with good performance?
Now, before you immediately discount or reject reports of this phenomenal fuel mileage and performance which Charles Pogue was getting out of standard V-8 equipped vehicles when using his fuel system, there is something to be said. This site will go into the actual U.S. Patents which Pogue had on his systems. This site will also look at the basic chemistry of what was happening to the gasoline within Pogue's various systems. After this examination, most readers should be able to understand that Pogue was actually accomplishing what many of the stories have stated.
There is another interesting thing about Pogue's systems, which it appears few people know about. It has been said that when using Pogue's system, a cooling system was not needed to keep the engine properly cooled. Now, before you discount or reject this statement, there are a few things about combustion which are not commonly known or taught. These special things about the combustion process, which could possibly allow Pogue to run an engine for an extended period of time without a cooling system and without damage, will be examined more closely in this site.
What He Was Doing
At this point, a short introduction is in order to what Pogue was actually doing in his various systems. First, he was creating gasoline vapors and then superheating these vapors in a special heat exchanger. This special heat exchanger was heated by superheated exhaust gases which were at a temperature somewhere in the neighborhood of 500-1000 degrees Fahrenheit. This degree of heat is more than enough to alter complex gasoline molecules.
In his systems, Pogue was actually "cracking" or breaking apart those complex molecules in gasoline --- those complex molecules which engineers in the petroleum industry were wondering how to deal with in the 1940s, so better fuel mileage could be obtained out of every gallon of gasoline. Pogue, in his systems, was simply cracking those complex molecules into much smaller, lighter weight molecules which would burn efficiently and cleanly in automotive-type engines, plus could allow these engines to make better use of the heat energy available in their fuels.
In relation to this, let us consider another more recent, though much less efficient example of this basic concept of heating fuel to obtain better performance and fuel economy. Then let us look more closely at what was happening in these special systems.
"Smokey" Yunick
During the 1950s and up until 2001, there lived in the United States a very famous and inspiring race engine builder and mechanic. His name was Henry "Smokey" Yunick. In the 1980s, he created various models of his adiabatic hot-vapor engine. There are U.S. patents on this special type of engine, one of which is shown in the preceeding, linked article.
The hot-vapor engines of Smokey Yunick put out considerably more power, for their size and equipment, than did most other engines of the day. A Pontiac Fiero with a Smokey-built engine had incredible acceleration and performance, considering it had only a four cylinder engine. This same car could get 51 miles per gallon, with almost no emissions. To top things off, it had no computer or special and expensive emission controls. It was all done simply through a properly designed fuel system.
Considering the Processes
How does all this high-efficiency "magic" work? The simple truth is this --- Above a temperature of approximately 500 degrees Fahrenheit, gasoline molecules begin to rapidly break down into a much larger volume of important, lighter-weight gaseous fuels.
In the 1930's, Charles Pogue was actually thermal-cracking (or gasifying) the gasoline molecules in his system, to readily make available the large amount of energy contained in them. In essence, Pogue created something analogous to an early "propane" fuel system for motor vehicles, while simply using gasoline as the "base fuel." And yes, a propane system, with the proper combustion controls, can give excellent performance (1)(2)(3)(4), with low emissions.
On the other hand, it does not appear that the systems created by Smokey Yunick (in the latter 1900's) were actually cracking the gasoline into lighter-weight gasified components before it went into the engine. That may be why his car was only getting 51 miles per gallon, rather than 200+ miles per gallon, but still with phenomenal performance.
Power in Each Gallon
Now for a closer look at the energy potential of gasoline. One U.S. gallon of gasoline contains up to about 125,000 Btu's or 36.6 kilowatt-hours of energy. An Imperial gallon, being larger, contains up to about 150,100 Btu's or 43.9 kilowatt-hours of energy. This amount of energy is roughly equal to 116 million foot-pounds of force, or more than 57 horsepower-hours. Let us put this amount of energy into a more readily understood perspective.
It is said that the amount of energy in a gallon of gasoline can be enough to lift a 3,000 pound car about 37,660 feet, straight up in the air. This is a distance similar to that from sea level to the top of Mount Everest and beyond. Yes, that is the true energy potential in virtually each and every gallon of gasoline.
All We Really Need
Now, we are not looking to lift a car straight up in the air, like a rocket: which requires a lot of energy per distance of travel. All we want to do is propel a typical car along a typical roadway.
At 60 miles per hour, it takes about 10 to 20 horsepower for the typical car to maintain its speed. The energy in a gallon of gasoline could therefore allow the typical car to travel a distance somewhere between 170 and 340 miles, or even further. All it takes is a properly designed fuel system with the capability of "unlocking" virtually all, or at least a much larger portion of the energy available in each gallon of gasoline, for use in moving our vehicles down the road.
As a further consideration, it is well-known (and well documented) that our motor vehicles are very inefficient. Yes, there is a whole lot of room for improvement. But now, let us turn to an important question.
Getting the Energy
Question and Answers
In the preceding information was presented methods by which more of the energy contained in each gallon of gasoline was "unlocked" for use in engines. But, let us continue onward toward something possibly even better. What else can be done to unlock the vast amount of energy contained in each gallon of gasoline, plus potentially create even more energy than those systems from the past? What if simple, recyclable, ordinary water was one inexpensive key which could readily unlock all this energy?
Yes, the "unlocking" process for gasoline molecules must take place in a special environment. That special environment is within a unique gasifier. In the "unlocking" process, both the gasoline and the water are converted into a much larger volume of environmentally-friendly fuel: a fuel commonly called syngas. The compact gasifier which safely performs all this high-mileage fuel conversion would reside in the engine compartment of a typical motor vehicle or industrial plant.
An Increase in Fuel
The large volume of syngas, created using one gallon of gasoline, should contain much more energy than that which was originally stored within just the gallon of gasoline. In this case, a large portion of the energy contained in the gallon of gasoline, plus that contained in the amount of water used in the conversion process, are available for usable power production. By use of the syngas process, along with the proper combustion controls, we may greatly increase the mileage or fuel economy which can be obtained in the typical transportation or agricultural vehicle, or in industrial or electrical generating plants, for each gallon of gasoline used. But there is more to this story.
Increased Efficiency and Versatility
When using the author's complete technology, shown throughout this website, a major portion of the heat created in the engine cylinder by the burning of a fuel is not wasted out the exhaust and cooling systems, as occurs in current engine designs. Instead, the fuel's heat energy is used directly in the engine cylinder to produce even more power output from the engine. Furthermore, when using the author's complete technology, engines can be made to operate on an array of hydrocarbon fuels. Welcome to the world of the multi-fuel, combined-cycle, combustion-steam engine.
But, it is now time for some further consideration.
Reasonable Questions and Considerations
Wasting Valuable Heat Energy
Our many gasoline and diesel engines are classed as "Heat Engines." Their purpose is to make as much usable power as possible (or provide as much mechanical work as possible) from the heat of a burning fuel. If this is true, then why are we doing things the way we are?
Why do we have external cooling systems on our heat engines to draw heat out of them and spew this potential energy into the surrounding environment? Why are we also sending an immense amount of potentially-usable heat energy out the exhaust system to, once again, be spewed into the surrounding environment? Isn't this creating a huge waste of valuable energy, plus a number of other environmental problems?
A Good Base
There are things to seriously consider. Heat engines are actually a very good type of engine. In all reality, we have barely "scatched the surface" of their true potential. As a basis for the positive side, these engines have proven to be relatively reliable and very versatile, while being relatively inexpensive. They can readily be made to produce a lot of usable mechanical power for their size, without really that much modification.
Our many heat engines (especially gasoline and diesel engines) can easily be made much more fuel efficient and environmentally-friendly. It is mainly the way that the fuel preparation and induction systems on our engines are currently configured, as mandated by Federal Law, which causes them to be very inefficient and harmful polluters of our environment.
Presenting a Logical and Rational path to cost-effective Green Energy
Much Safer Than Nuclear
This website presents a method for producing cost-effective energy which is far safer than nuclear power. The method shown in this site holds the potential for reducing energy costs to consumers, while helping to improve economies and the environment. This method is much safer in the event of a massive earthquake or other major natural disaster and is less prone to damage than are large-scale nuclear, hydroelectric and windpower installations.
Less Down Time
In the event of a major disaster, if used widely to displace nuclear energy, the method presented in this website helps to eliminate the potential for dangerous radiation leakage and an extended nuclear crisis. It is also much safer in the event of a terrorist attack or if a terrorist organization were to take over one or more of our power installations. It is also much quicker to rebuild and put back into service, in the event of destruction by terrorist acts or major natural disasters, than are large-scale nuclear, hydroelectric and windpower installations.
Relatively Inexpensive
The technology presented in this website brings us back to the simplicity of safe energy production. Along with this simplicity comes many important advantages. Beside the advantages noted above, this technology is far less costly to implement than are large nuclear, hydroelectric and windpower installations. Last, but not least: this technology is environmentally-friendly and can safely be located directly within metropolitan areas near point of end use.
The Prototype Project
Fundamental Question
So, how do we go about improving the efficiency of our numerous energy and engine systems so we can improve the overall energy and environmental situation in our nation and the world?
One Answer
For starters, the author is working on a special prototype project which holds the potential for greatly increasing the energy efficiency in our many engine systems. Information about his project, plus a lot of the technology associated with it, are presented throughout this site.
More Detailed Information
The button below accesses the Report Index, which is located deeper in this site. The reports in this index present further and more detailed information which relates to the author's project and technology.
Multi-Fuel Friendly
The report, accessed via the button at the bottom of this section, speaks about the various fuels upon which ordinary gasoline and diesel engines have been successfully operated over the years. Indeed, the basic engine is not overly picky about the fuel which is fed to it. It is only the stock fuel system and associated controls which has been installed on these engines which make them operate, generally, on one fuel or one very narrow band of fuels only.
Snared by the Barons
The fuel for our many engines generally comes from either the gasoline or the diesel pump at the filling station. Other special fuel systems may operate properly on only propane, liquified petroleum gas (LPG) or natural gas, which again, comes from the established filling stations. Yes, this method does keep the general public completely ensnared by the energy barons who control the current system.
The Report
And now, it is time to present the informative report about realistic engine fueling requirements, plus consider the potential for true energy freedom. Click the button below and enjoy.
Multipurpose Technology
Generating Electrical Power
The technology shown within this website can be used to create safe, efficient and environmentally-friendly electrical generating plants of all sizes: from small scale plants to large scale, regional installations. The nature of these plants allow them to be located conveniently near the point of end use, even directly within cities and towns.
Agriculture and Transportation
The technology shown herein can also be used to increase efficiency and economy in the agricultural, shipping and transportation sectors, while holding the potential for greatly reducing harmful emissions. This technology is aimed at engine-driven devices of all sizes and types, plus has the potential for helping to make nations and citizens more energy-independent.
Desalination and Fresh Water
The technology shown in this site may be used to reduce the operating costs for desalination plants of all sizes, by drastically reducing the electrical costs of these plants. This technology may also be used to reduce the cost of pumping fresh water to distant places. This opens the potential for relatively inexpensive, unlimited fresh water to virtually all places on earth.
Problems and Solutions
Core Issues
It is time to consider our current predicament. We truly have some serious problems in our world. The challenge is deciphering core issues, so logical and beneficial solutions may be presented for implementation. Two areas where problems exist are in the energy and environmental arenas. These two arenas do not necessarily need to be diametrically opposed to one another.
Necessary Engines
It is important to note that our many engines are necessary for powering and upholding civilization. But, it should also be noted that our engines do not need to emit the volume of harmful factors which they now emit, nor do they need to be as wasteful of their fuel as they currently are, because of the way their systems are configured, by Federal mandate. The emissions and the waste created because of the way our engines are currently configured creates problems for our country and our citizens at large.
A Debtor Nation
Yes, the United States is a major debtor nation. It started in 1985 (link: 1985) and has been worsening ever since (link: 2011). A two-page Forbes article (linked here: 2013) states that the United States "has the most debt of any country in absolute terms." A large portion of the U.S. foreign debt revolves around the importation of foreign oil.
A Harvard Magazine article (linked here: 2007) shows that American consumers (yes, the average citizens) are another major cause for the United States being a debtor nation. A large portion of American citizens are living utterly beyond their means, and it does not appear that things are getting better in this area. Is it any wonder that the economy of the United States is in such a mess?
The Energy Debt
Now for a closer look at the energy arena. The way the systems on our numerous engines are currently configured creates gross inefficiency in these engines. This inefficiency results in an extremely horrid waste of fuel and energy, (not to mention the mess it makes of the environment). Because of this inefficiency, the United States has been forced for decades to import a considerable amount of expensive foreign oil. Importing a large amount of foreign oil has been a great detriment to the United States' economy, as noted in an article linked here.
Because of gross inefficiency throughout the United States, it has borrowed up to $1-billion each working day from world financial institutions, just to import the oil necessary to keep the U.S. operating. But, it does not have to be this way. The United States could be completely energy independent, with a strong economy. It truly starts by increasing efficiency. The efficiency of our numerous internal combustion engines could be increased greatly by a relatively simple redesign of their fuel and operating systems.
Rational Solutions
Now, to use a popular saying and put it to a good use. It is time to think globally and act locally. It is time to clean up some major energy, economic, political and environmental problems in the United States, that we, as a people, may then be free enough to turn and actually help the rest of the world.
This site examines problems and presents rational, environmentally-friendly, money-saving solutions.
An Orderly Read
This site presents a cost-effective method for reducing nasty greenhouse gases and other harmful pollution. It can also work to eliminate energy shortages, worldwide.
The need for foreign oil can be eliminated. The lower quality of life for many peoples around the world can be cost-effectively improved. The damage to our relatively fragile environment can also be improved, even at a savings of money to civilization. All it takes is working together on a viable solution, such as that presented in this website.
To obtain a true understanding of the problems facing the civilized world in the energy and environmental arenas, it may be necessary to examine certain political, industrial and economic forces, plus governmental agencies and their policies, before the necessary changes can be made which allow for the future well-being of humanity.
Our Current Predicament ... Now Considering ---
A Major Waste of Fuel and Energy Resources, plus Environmental Problems
FACT:The engines currently used in autos, transportation, and industry, as now configured by Federal mandate, are extremely inefficient. They waste up to 80% of their fuel's heat energy. In essence, that is like throwing away up to 80% of the fuel which is purchased in this nation. It is like going to the filling station and dumping 80% of our purchase on the ground. It is like dumping eight gallons of fuel on the ground, and only putting two gallons in the tank.
FACT:Wasted fuel and inefficiency causes countries, like the United States and others, to be, even now, greatly dependent on foreign oil. Time has proven that this dependence can often result in devastating wars and the needless destruction of lives and property. All of the wasted energy and major demand for foreign oil causes a detrimental trade imbalance, plus increases the national debt and harms the economy. Furthermore, all of these issues work to create a serious national security problem.
FACT:All of the wasted heat energy from our numerous engines (up to an 80% waste of energy) is spewed into the surrounding environment. This problem is simply a result of improper designs and the way engines are currently configured, by Federal mandate. In essence, every motor vehicle being driven, every piece of engine-driven equipment being operated, is an environmental heater. Because of Federal regulations and improper designs, there are millions of environmental-heaters and polluters in operation every day. It does not need to be this way. These engines can be greatly improved.
Fundamental Problems in our Engines and Fuel Supply
FACT:The induction of a liquid fuel into engines, plus improper combustion controls, are the main reasons why these engines emit harmful emissions (HC, CO, NOx, and heat). As most of us have heard at one time or another: liquid fuel does not burn. It is only the vapors of the fuel which can readily and efficiently burn. So, why not induct a vaporous or gasified fuel into our engines in the first place? The proper use of a vaporous or gasified fuel can work to potentially solve a number of problems.
FACT:The induction of a non-uniform, liquid fuel "splatter mixture" into an engine, as is currently done, creates air/fuel mixture-balance and power balance problems between cylinders in multi-cylinder engines. This works to reduce the maximum performance potential of these engines, while greatly increasing their harmful emissions. By using a vaporous or gasified fuel system on our engines, along with proper combustion controls and enhancers, optimal fuel-mixture and power balance, plus optimal performance with reduced emissions can readily be obtained.
FACT:In the fuel supply arena, inadequate or reduced refinery capacity can be harmful to countries and economies. Problems at refineries often result in higher fuel prices, sudden price spikes, or even fuel rationing. By implementation of the technology shown in this website, load and demand on refineries may be greatly reduced. This can occur because much less fuel may be required by our nation, plus there is the potential that raw fuels can be processed for use right in the engine compartment of the vehicle or engine-driven equipment.
FACT:The technology presented in this site may allow engines to operate cleanly and efficiently even on straight crude oil, plus an array of other fuels, with relatively minor cleaning of the fuel. In essence, the compact refinery required to produce an engine-friendly fuel will reside directly within the engine compartment of the typical motor vehicle or industrial plant.
Included in this Website
FACT:Once again, our engines, as currently configured by Federal mandate, waste up to 80% of their fuel's heat energy. The proper implementation of the technology presented in this site can help prevent this horrendous waste from happening in engines. It can help allow an engine to convert a much larger percentage of its fuel's heat energy into usable power, directly within the engine cylinder. This translates into higher fuel mileage and engine efficiency, with better performance and power output: while allowing for a drastic reduction in harmful emissions (HC, CO, NOx, and heat).
FACT:This site presents a viable method with the potential for drastically reducing carbon dioxide emissions from engines, per time-unit of engine operation or per mile of travel. The complete technology connected with this site also allows for continuously recycling a portion of the original fuels, after their components are recovered from the engine exhaust. This translates to a potential for less greenhouse gases being added to our environment each day, without causing economic harm or other negative situations for the user. The technology presented in this site, if used properly, can make engines much safer and more environmentally-friendly.
FACT:This site presents a rational method for producing a win-win situation for the environment and the consumer, especially considering that the consumer could spend far less money for their energy needs, while helping to improve the environment by implementing the processes presented herein. It could also help to make the consumer more independent and free, by reducing bondage to the "energy barons" and those who may not have their best interests at heart. It truly is time to shatter the horrendous chains which bind us.
Added Benefits
FACT:With a drastic reduction in energy costs, construction projects could readily progress. This could help improve the quality of life for many people around this world. It could help to reduce water shortages and famine. Seawater desalinization and water purification plants could operate at a much lower cost. Farmers could better work their fields for higher crop yield per section of ground. Because of reduced fuel costs, shipping costs could potentially be reduced. This could result in a lower cost for goods and services to the consumer.
FACT:The project presented in this site does hold the potential for increasing the prosperity of common citizens and user nations. Would you like to see the economy of our nation, and that of the whole world, truly be "jump started" and made healthy again? Would you like to see more happiness, prosperity and contentment in this world? Then it is worthwhile to consider the project and information presented in this website. Working together, we can make an important difference.
BOTTOM LINE:Thoroughly study this informative site to understand the basic physical and chemical principles upon which multi-fuel, combined-cycle, combustion-steam technology operates. If you have questions or comments, the author would appreciate hearing from you. There is a lot of potential for this technology, both now and in the future.
An Important Purpose
An important purpose of this website is to show a special method by which the vast and virtually unlimited energy resources of this world may be used much more efficiently, safely, and in a more environmentally-friendly manner. In other words, the whole world could readily be much less wasteful, save a lot of money, and greatly help the environment. Yes, all this could readily be accomplished at the same time, by using the proper technology.
The extensive electrical power grid helps provide for much of modern civilizations power needs. But this extensive grid does actually make us more vulnerable.
Our extended power system, as currently configured, makes us reliant on a relatively few power generation stations. From these relatively few generating stations, the grid spreads out across the country.
If a major generating station or even a major substation goes "off line," it can create problems for a large number of people, plus important industries.
Transmission Towers
Numerous miles of major transmissions lines, often times traversing rugged or remote regions, are another "Achilles heel" in our important power systems.
In a world where terrorism is becoming more rampant, dependence on major transmission lines is not a good thing. These main electrical power arteries can and have been brought down, both by humans and by nature.
Examples of Problems
The buttons below provide pictures and information about some of the problems and vulnerabilities associated with transmission towers and the grid.
Consider, for a moment, the problems created for people and industry in the surrounding region, when a transmission line suddenly goes out of service.
If just one tower goes down, it creates a lot of problems. But if a number of towers go down at the same time, the problem is now very serious and can take a considerable amount of time to resolve.
Some Thoughts
The author of this website believes that our country should not be so attached to a relatively small number of large electrical power production facilities, which are often located some distance from large population centers.
The author also believes that long distance transmission lines leave the populace and industry very vulnerable in the event of terrorist activities, war or large-scale natural events.
Numerous, smaller and more localized, engine-driven power generation facilities, with a major part of their fuel being recyclable water (as shown in this site), may help reduce our collective vulnerabilities and also help to increase national security. Moving away from major, long-distance transmission lines may also help substantially in these areas.
It is time to consider the safety and logic of large nuclear power plants, especially in the face of major natural disasters or acts of terrorism.
The ongoing disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility, in Japan, has people wondering about the future of energy, especially in the nuclear sector.
The Fukushima disaster has given the world just a taste of the true, continuing dangers presented by nuclear energy. A major accident at one of these facilities anywhere in the world can have very serious, far reaching and long-lasting effects on humanity.
The "Honesty Factor"
To compound dangers presented by the nuclear industry, it appears that the "honesty factor" toward the public and the world may be very low by those in positions of power and control.
The webpages linked below may be worth considering, for they present a glimpse of "honesty" by government and industry controllers in the nuclear arena and elsewhere.
It should be noted that Japan is not the only country which experiences these problems with honesty toward the public.
A Major Change
On another note, the links below speak of the new, far reaching secrecy laws in Japan.
This enforced secrecy in Japan could potential prevent the rest of the world from finding out things like major and dangerous, intentional or accidental releases of radioactivity from Fukushima.
A Nuclear Weapon
The article linked below presents important information about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. It declares the following:
"As the tsunami hit, one of these antique GE reactors, number 3, was filled with the newest generation of plutonium-laced Aveda MOX fuel rods. A basic ingredient of nuclear bombs, plutonium isotypes are sprinkled among the 500 or so radionuclides currently being spread into air, ocean and groundwater from the massive explosions that transformed the Fukushima Daiichi power plant into the world's largest and most menacing nuclear weapon."
The article above declares the following:
"The science of measuring and understanding the effects of radioactivity on biological transformations is still in its infancy. Nevertheless since 1945 the tendency has been for promoters of applied nuclear power to deny, negate, or downplay the effects of radioactivity on life's natural patterns of renewal."
Hiding the Truth
It appears there was an intentional cover up in Canada and the United States regarding the seriousness of Fukashima radiation reaching this continent. This is very disturbing.
The link below indicates that after the Fukushima disaster began, the EPA fudged "the numbers" and drastically increased the allowable levels of radiation "to anywhere from 3,000 to 100,000 times the currently allowable levels."
It should also be noted that Canada simply turned off their radiation detectors so the public could not know the radiation levels which existed. This is shown in the webpage linked below.
Is the safety of the public not a true concern for the eugenicist powers that be? Has the stated goal of the eugenicist elite been to drastically reduce the human population of this earth, as rapidly as possible?
High Radiation
The webpage linked below claims that the radiation released from Fukushima is ten times more than that released by all the earlier nuclear weapons tests.
The articles linked below show that the earlier radiation measurements at Fukushima were misleading and in error. One article indicates that radiation levels are rising - not a good sign.
Your Senses
It is time to consider a few facts about harmful and deadly nuclear radiation, in the form called ionizing radiation.
The information accessed via the buttons below indicate that a person, with their normal senses, cannot see, taste, smell, feel or hear ionizing nuclear radiation.
For this reason, a person may believe that things are safe in their vicinity, when in fact they are very dangerous.
Only in cases where the ionizing radiation is so extreme that it is reacting with the oxygen in the air to form ozone, and with the nitrogen to form nitrogen dioxide, will a person be able to smell its effects.
The sixth paragraph of the webpage linked below declares that nitrogen dioxide "can be smelled at relatively low concentrations and has a metallic taste."
By the time a person is able to smell ozone and the metallic taste of nitrogen dioxide, they may have already received a seriously harmful or deadly dose of ionizing radiation.
Terrorism and Genocide
Because radiation generally cannot be preceived with our senses, it is the "perfect" weapon for terrorism and genocide.
Because of its subtle, yet deadly characteristics, radiation may be the weapon of choice for forced population control, reduction and eugenicide.
West Coast Radiation
Just how much radiation has reached the West Coast of the United States from the ongoing Fukushima disaster in Japan? The webpage linked below, titled 'Pacific Ocean Mortality Linked To Fukushima,' may help lead us to the truth.
The above webpage declares: "Millions of sea stars up and down the west coast of North America have died, reduced to mounds of white goo. Sea stars it turns out, are sentinels for radionuclides - nuclear waste."
The webpage also states: "Results of experiments so far have indicated that sea stars can accumulate diverse radionuclides making them 'very effective bioindicators of any released radionuclides from disposed radioactive waste.'"
The above page further notes that the radiation being dumped into the Pacific Ocean from Fukushima my be causing the unusual warming now being seen in these waters. The page indicates that Fukushima may be the cause of the extended drought occurring in California.
Truth in Energy
The Fukushima experience has made it clear that nuclear energy in not safe. The ongoing Fukushima experience has also made it very clear that deception and cover up can readily be involved with something so serious and deadly as the nuclear industry.
For the above reasons, and for a number of other reasons, some of which are discussed in this website, nuclear energy should rightly be abolished from this earth. It is clear that nuclear energy is not good for humanity or the environment.
A Replacement
Is there a safe and reliable technology which could readily replace the electrical energy now supplied by nuclear power?
One road to abundant, safe energy is shown within this site. Possibly, for the good of humanity, it is time to seriously consider this technology.